There are two things that are the foundation of many of the goals in my life: 1) I love to travel and 2) I love change. By change, I mean I dislike routines, schedules and consistency. As often as possible, I rearrange my room; I break routine; I create change in my life. Both of these are linked. I travel to experience something different and new. I don't want to stay in the same place very long.
My dream job would consist of something that I could go to a new place all the time. I honestly do not see myself building my "dream house" in my "ideal town" and living there forever. I don't want "roots" except to give me a place where I can briefly return. I have no problem with "home" being wherever I am. I finally realized my junior year of college that after switching majors so many time and never making up my mind that there is not one job I want to have forever. I have so many interests, and they all make up who I am.
I am at peace with the idea of changing jobs frequently; more than that, I love the idea. It makes me excited knowing I can pursue different interests in my life. If you understand that about me, it will not surprise you that I would not mind living out of a suitcase and traveling non-stop. I fully appreciate the fact that marrying and having a family will change that, but I'm single and happy to be so for now.
So far in AIM, every weekend has involved a trip somewhere. It's been wonderful, especially for someone like me who loves traveling all the time! ;) The first weekend we went to Canadian, Texas which was absolutely amazing. They are family, and I am hoping to visit again this fall at some point. Our class had one week under our belt before this trip. The church there is incredibly supportive of AIM, and God led me, walking by faith to Canadian. I was encouraged and challenged in a short weekend, but more than that, it solidified my reasons for coming to AIM. God showed me at Canadian that He had me right where He wants me. The family in Canadian holds a special place in my heart, and I am blessed by seeing their faith in action
The following weekend we went to an ice-cream social in Amherst, Texas and were blessed by the family there. What they lack in size, they make up for in love. We spent the rest of the weekend in Clovis, New Mexico. In Canadian and Clovis, I stayed with wonderful couples who made us feel right at home. I was really hoping Clovis would be my area church simply based on the support they showed to our class.
The third weekend, the last weekend in August, I went to Denver City for the Teenage Christian Conference. There were 4 great lessons, hundreds of faithful teens, and a few of the Sunset youth group there to remind us that we are to be Jesus wherever we go. That night was an Acappella concert, my third, which was amazing. I always forget just how much I love listening to Acappella. Their songs have a way of reaching to the heart of the matter and calling me out on what I need to change in my life.
As time flies, this leads me up to this past weekend when I headed to Las Vegas, New Mexico for the Sunset senior high Blue Haven retreat. The theme was "Illumination," and not only the teens were impacted by the weekend. I have a new outlook on being light in a dark world. Our skits went well, and the last one we did really impacted the teens and adults in the audience. I have a recording of it that I will try to upload in the next few days.
Blue Haven was fun but exhausting. I got to know a lot of the teens and am excited to join them every week for these next few months. Their youth group is how I wish mine had been growing up. I don't know if they even realize the impact they have as a group on everyone around them. It is so encouraging to see a group of committed Christian teens with the desire and ability to change the world. I am blessed just by hanging around them.
After Blue Haven, I needed a retreat from the retreat and that's when we found ourselves in Ruidoso, New Mexico. We were challenged to look at our hearts to examine what needs to be broken and molded by our Saviour. Our class really connected and grew together during the week, and I pray we continue to do so. Ruidoso is a beautiful mountain town, as well as a ski resort area. Just picture this covered in snow. It made me miss the Sierra Nevadas and Yosemite.
(Photo Credit: Brittney Williams)
Each day we had some free time which included ultimate frisbee, naps, taking a trip into town and hiking up to a 1930's fire lookout tower. I am grateful for the time we had to spend together away from the world, but by Friday it was time to come down off the mountain. I was at a camp for 8 days and am now ready to dive back into school and homework, but I can't wait for that next trip somewhere new ;).
Peregrination [per-i-gruh-ney-shuh
n] -noun
def: a course of travel; journey (
def: a course of travel; journey (
What wonderful adventures! May you experience many more! :)