"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."
::Galatians 6:9::

I have been here in Ukraine for 9 months! It has been quite the adventure! It's hard to believe that my commitment is half-way over. As such, I am looking ahead to the next 9 months, and I am in need of support for a visa renewal trip (my current one will expire in May) and eventually a flight home. I need $2500 total.

Here is my support letter with more details about the work:
(if it's not loading, click to read it on Dropbox or Google Docs)

You can even donate quickly and safely online below:

Every little bit really does help from $5 to $50! Thank you so much for your help and your support! If you'd like to receive my newsletter, let me know!

Where God leads, He provides.

Original Letter:
July 8, 2010

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Isn’t it amazing how God has bigger plans for us than we could have ever dreamed? The past four years I spent at Harding University were filled with friends, learning and growth in my understanding of God and His love. I was blessed with opportunities for missions early in high school to Ghana, West Africa and Mexico. My desire to share the Good News only increased while at Harding. I became a part of mission teams to Nicaragua, Massachusetts and Georgia, as well as a co-leader for trips to Arizona and Florida.
Now, with a Bachelor of Arts in hand, I am answering the call to share God’s love to people around the world. My next journey is AIM! Adventures in Missions, a missionary internship program based out of the Sunset School of Preaching. It begins with 8 months of training and preparation, then a minimum of 18 months out in the mission field working with an established missionary. I do not know where I will wind up with AIM, but I do know that there will be people there in need of God’s love. This is the website for AIM if you’d like to look at the mission program: www.aimsunset.org.
My AIM adventure will become part of a legacy of missions built by my grandfather, Bill Banks, and my uncle and aunt, Joel and Pat Coppinger. They have set an example for me of one way that a Christian responds to those in need. It is not an easy task, and the greatest gift you can give to me is prayer. I pray I will touch many lives and shine God’s light into the darkness. His glory is the goal of everything I do.
All of this would not be possible without support. I have been placed in a position where I know God can use my talents and my dreams to serve Him. AIM will require a minimum of $750 support a month. This includes room and board, travel and living expenses. If God puts it in your heart to help with this mission opportunity, I would especially appreciate a commitment toward my monthly support. One-time contributions are also welcome. Your continual prayers are a treasure and a true encouragement to me.

Thank you so much for your support!

Love in Christ,

ErinJoy Bullough