Monday, June 18, 2012

::EURO 2012- Kharkov::

"Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom,
And we will show that we, brothers, 
are of the Cossack nation!"
::Ukrainian National Anthem::

This month there is an international championship soccer tournament going on! Have you heard of it? Probably not, if you live in the US. It's the European Football (aka Soccer) Cup! And Ukraine is co-hosting the matches, along with Poland!

Kharkov, where I have lived for the past year, is one of the host cities of the EuroCup. It has been at times something laughable to imagine Ukraine hosting such an important international championship. Streets were torn up, buildings torn down, and ambitious projects started that had no chance of finishing in time. I even heard of a small village near Donetsk (another host city) that was closing its streets to visitors because they were so unprepared. Some of the changes here in Kharkov include English signs and announcements in the metro, new high-speed trains to the capital Kiev, and more miltia (police) than ever before.

However, as the fans began arriving this month, I have been happily surprised at the changes I've seen in the people of Kharkov! They have been so welcoming to foreigners. Smiles come more easily, and I have watched Ukrainians willingly struggle to communicate in English to help the fans. It is truly inspiring! There's been positive news reports, especially about Kharkov like this one: "Foreign Guests Blown off Their Feet in Ukraine".

I am so proud of the people of Ukraine! Experiencing the EuroCup, even as an outsider, has made me sentimental. Right now the world gets to see the best of Ukraine, and seeing through their eyes makes me love Ukraine more than ever!

Thanks to the EuroCup, I can share with you a few glimpses into my home: Kharkov, Ukraine.

A commercial for Ukraine during the EuroCup:
"Switch on Ukraine"

Here's a music video filmed completely in Kharkov!
"Welcome to Kharkiv!" by Anastasia Blinkova

And a short, funny commercial about Americans and the EuroCup in Ukraine:
"Euro 2012 Couple"
With Love from Ukraine,