Thursday, October 21, 2010

::The Road::

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many path and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say."
::J.R.R. Tolkien::

We have returned from our “break”! After 10 days and many hours spent on a bus, we are grateful to be back in our own apartments in Lubbock. While last week was our week off from school, none of us are very rested, but I know I’m still enjoying our new term this week! It was a fun trip, and the highlight for me was getting to see my sister and three of my closest friends in Arkansas! I’ll try to be as succinct as possible, in an overview of our travels.

At 4am on Thursday, October 7, we began our drive to Ozark, Missouri for the first night. We ate at Lambert’s Cafe, home of the throwed rolls (my first visit), which is definitely worth a stop! Unlimited fresh rolls, fried okra (yum!), potatoes and just lots of good southern food. The church in Ozark graciously hosted us for a night, and I stayed at a beautiful home nestled among rolling hills and watched the sunset over the Ozark mountains. After a few more hours driving the next day, we had 3 hours to spend in St. Louis. I love that city and was glad for another visit! A handful of us walked for an hour to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. It was in an old, majestic train station that has been turned into a huge mall with a little river running through it and the “Grandest Hall Possible” for its time. The long walk was worth it just to see the Arch from many different angles and a City Garden with many unique sculptures and water fountains.

That night we arrived in Paducah, Kentucky! Our bus driver, Jamie, is the youth minister from Paducah and drove out for two days to Lubbock just to pick us up and make the return trip. The Lone Oak congregation is so incredibly supportive of AIM and ensure that each year’s class can make the trip out there! Saturday, we helped them to run a fish fry for the community. Around 1000 people came. I was a part of the frying of hush puppies for nearly 5 hours, but I really enjoyed getting to know members of the congregation and working behind the scenes.

Sunday through Wednesday morning, we encouraged the congregation, hung out with the youth, worked service projects and held devos daily. The family I stayed with has one daughter on the field now as an AIMer, and I enjoyed hearing stories from their oldest daughter who came off the field this past summer. We also went to the garden of the gods, full of beautiful bluffs and rocks to climb, and made a quick stop to Metropolis, Illinois, the home of Superman. I made sure to get pictures of me and Superman!

After a day of driving, we made it to Bentonville, Arkansas to worship with the youth group there and tell them about AIM. It was so great to be back in Arkansas, and I stayed with a family who has two daughters at Harding right now! We played games, made homemade pizza, and watched Sleepless in Seattle (such a great movie). I was sad we only had one night to stay there!

Finally on Thursday, we made it to Camp Tahkodah for the World Mission Workshop Harding hosted for the 50th year, and saw my sister!!! Another good friend also came up for the weekend which was so much fun! We three stayed in a tent together in "Tent City". There's a lot I could say about the workshop, as it was very training oriented for missions instead of just classes. We were there Thursday evening until early Saturday morning. Two other wonderful friends I made at Harding came up Friday night and stayed for quite a few hours! We took pictures on a swinging bridge and had the best time laughing and sharing our lives! I miss them all so much, it did my heart good to see them again. When I graduated in May, I honestly did not know when I would be able to visit Arkansas. God is good, as always! Now I'm heading back to Arkansas for Thanksgiving and I'll get to spend more time with them!

Dallas was our temporary home on Saturday night, and I enjoyed getting to visit one of the larger congregations there on Sunday. It was very different from what I am used to, but good. Kris, the AIM director, had asked me if I could share about AIM before class on Sunday morning in one of the adult classrooms. I had 5 minutes and told my reasons for coming to AIM, explained what we had been busy doing and where we were heading next in our time. It was a really encouraging experience just to see their faces, interested and supportive. They prayed for all of the AIMers, and especially the three of us who went to that class.

Sunday night we were home! Classes started Monday, but I think this post is long enough for now so I'll save that for later. This weekend, all of us Sunset AIMers are going to the Junior High Retreat. I'll be the 6th grade girls' counselor, and I'm really excited! I'm hoping to get some rest tonight so that I won't be completely exhausted all weekend long.

Thank you so much for your prayers during our trip! We were able to impact a lot of lives as they touched our own. Our God is faithful!

A bond-servant of Christ,

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

::Road Trip::

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." ::Augustine::

In less than 3 hours, we will be hitting the road for nearly two weeks. I am really excited for this trip! Best of all, I get to see my sister!! :) I will try to post during our travels maybe even by email, but no promises as I don't know internet situation anywhere we'll be.

Tomorrow is our longest day of travel and will be spent nearly entirely in a bus (or van). Please pray for safe travels and that we may be a blessing to each and every person we encounter along the way.


Monday, October 04, 2010


"I am a writer of books in retrospect. I talk in order to understand; I teach in order to learn." ::Robert Frost::

I apologize for the lack of updates recently; this week is finals week. It has been a good first term, and I'm really looking forward to the break we have: a trip to St. Louis, Kentucky, Harding and Dallas! I am most excited, of course, about Harding. I'll get to see my sister and one of my closest friends! We won't be on campus, maybe not at all, but we will be at the World Mission Workshop at Takhoda. I need to get back to writing a paper and studying for my two finals tomorrow, but I thought I'd post a teaching outline I wrote a few weeks back.

In my Old Testament class we had to create three teaching outlines as if we were going to teach the Bible class lessons. They were on an event, a person, and a Psalm. I did my second outline on King Josiah, and I enjoyed learning about him myself. My teacher also thought it was good (97%), so I thought I'd share it with you. You can also see the kind of work that we do in AIM classes. I hope Josiah's life challenges you as it challenged me.


Text: 2 Chronicles 33:2,22; 34-35

Purpose of Lesson: To look at King Josiah’s life as an example of being willing to go against the status quo and stand for what is right. We, like Josiah, must look at our lives and examine our motives and actions against God’s standard. When we find evil, it must be purged from our lives and replaced with His goodness. In humility we must be willing to admit wrong and repent before God to change what needs to be changed in our lives to seek after Him.

Principles of the Text: King Josiah broke from his family legacy and chose to seek after God instead (2 Chron. 33:2, 22; 34:2). He was willing to examine his life and his kingdom to purge evil from them (2 Chron. 34:3-7). Josiah then repairs the temple of God after tearing down the false altars and destroying their idols (2 Chron. 34:10). When the lost Book of Law was found, he immediately humbled himself before God (2 Chron. 34:27), then repented and made right his own heart and actions as well as those of the people according to God’s law (2 Chron. 34:31-33).

Opening Question: What is your family known for and how has that legacy impacted you? Tell me about something you do now simply because that’s what your family has always done or you’ve always done it that way.

Discussion Questions:
1. Josiah was 8 years old when he became king. How has your parents’ influence on you changed from when you were young until now? What is different?

2. Josiah’s father and grandfather both did evil in the eyes of the Lord. What would have been expected of Josiah as the next king? Describe the status quo of the time.

3. When Josiah was 16, he chose to seek God. When did you decide on your own to seek after God and what lead to that decision? What are your reasons now for seeking God?

4. For the past two generations since King Hezekiah, the people in Judah have been allowed to worship false gods freely. Their idols and altars had pervaded the nation of Judah. Why are the people of God so eager and willing to turn to false gods?

5. Why is it so important to follow God’s law if we are truly seeking after Him?

6. Even though Josiah had been seeking after God, he and all of Judah were ignorant of the Book of Law until it was rediscovered. When he heard the Law, his first reaction was to tear his clothes and weep before God. What should our first reaction be when we learn we are in sin? What usually is your reaction when you discover sin in your life?

7. Josiah set the example to seek after God, making it right by ensuring the people heard the Book of Law read to them. Those who had previously worshipped false gods turned back to following God because of Josiah. Why are examples so influential?

8. 2 Chronicles 22:2 says that “Josiah did right in the sight of the Lord and walked in the ways of his father David and did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” What does it mean to do “right in the sight of the Lord”?

9. When we seek God, He shows us what we need to change in our lives. Josiah realized that to make it right he needed to put a stop to worshipping of false gods? What has God been showing you that you need to change in your own life?

10. Josiah made a covenant before God to walk after the Lord and follow the Book of Law. What covenant do you need to make before God right now?

Application: Take a few moments to examine your own life and your walk with God. What sin are you struggling with right now? Is there something you know you should be doing but are not? What is God showing you that you need to make right? Pick one thing you need to change and pray about it in humility. Make a covenant with God for this next week to try to change. Then focus on making that one change this week and “do right in the sight of the Lord.”

***Just in case anyone would like to use this teaching outline or any ideas from it, or wants to see the other two I have written, please ask first! Thanks!
